Finish the game to earn even more options here, including the screen filter and the ammo multiplier. Press L1 or R1 at the option screen to go to an extra option screen.

This tool is also the heart of the recent updates into the largest PS2 widescreen hacks convertion effort Pull requests to enhance this program are gladly accepted! This program is built on top of wxwidgets, and it´s compiled and deployed for: Linux, MacOS, Windows (x86), Windows (圆4) This tool is slightly superior to the pnach converter made by pelvic trustman, since this tool converts ANY cheat, even if they´re inside a comment, also, it can work as command line tool, becomming the best tool available for automated batch cheat convertion. IOP Patches are ignored, as PS2Rd or OPL cheat engine can't patch IOP memory on their current state. Therefore, this tool only converts patches for the EE memory.

PlayStation 2 PNACH Converter is a tool ( Both command line and GUI), wich can convert PCSX2 cheat engine patches into raw cheats for PS2Rd or Open PS2 Loader cheat engine.